Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rain and Sunshine

Hey! How's everyone doing? I miss you all like crazy!
My week has been great! Just a lot of rain and sunshine. We are always soaked and constantly walking in rivers aka "flooded roads". In our cita's (appointments) I am getting the chance to talk a lot more. It is really hard sometimes because I still don't always know what is being said, but my companion helps me out a lot. There has been a couple times when I teach about the restored gospel or a principle and speaking Spanish is like no big deal...but my companion will help me out every once in a while! I just need to have more confidence in myself and not worry about messing up. Trusting in God has been a huge thing that I have learned over the last week or so.
We have one investigator that has agreed to a baptism date which is very awesome. I am super excited! I love teaching him. He loves to read the Book of Mormon and is always so interested in our lessons. He has a couple of friends that are members and they are always with us when we teach him.
Saturday our Elders had a couple of baptisms so we went to that and supported them. That was really cool to see and to be a part of. A couple of our investigators came to the baptism too which was even cooler.
Sunday morning I woke up from a dream and in that dream I was speaking Spanish!!! It was so crazy. So I know now that I am suppose to learn this language; it is just going to take time and I need to continue to recognize how far along I've come so far.
Church here is a little interesting. We have all of our classes first and then Sacrament is last... but I think it's for the best because the people here think being 30 minutes late to something is being on time. It's so hard being on time to our appointments because the people here just love to talk and we walk so far everywhere.
One of our investigators was in the hospital so on Sunday we went and visited him and brought some priesthood holders with us so that he could receive a blessing. His mom was so happy; you could just see her face light up.
We got to watch "The Work of Salvation" broadcast. That was so exciting! If you didn't watch it you should. There is so much that is going to be changed through missionary work and I am so excited for it!!!
Monday was my 2 month mark! Tuesday we contacted. We are still doing a lot of contacting because we don't know all of our area yet. I think I'm getting a cold which stinks... my companion is sick as well.
I love you all and miss you tons!!!
Hermana Heather Peugnet

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Transfer to Bonao

Well... This week has been great! I am learning so much. My companion Hermana Porter is such a great teacher. She only has 4 more months out in the field and is from Utah.
We finally got our stove working!!! YAY! Now we just need electricity so we can have light at night and so that our fridge can work....
The power goes out all the time here. So if I don't email on a Thursday it is because there was no power.
Not much has been happening just a lot of contacting. We walk about 3hrs a day. Sometimes we just get poured on which is a lot of fun because I love the rain. The days go by so slow but so fast at the same time.
Last Saturday we were walking to a cita when a little girl came up to us and asked us to come visit her family so we did. She is one of 11 kids and her mom is ¨single¨ and is pregnant with number 12. I have so much love for the kids. We taught them about the plan of salvation. One of the little girls is really interested in our lessons and the mom has been very accepting as well.
I have had some hard experiences in my life and I have to say serving this mission and not being able to talk to the people and not understanding them has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I can't believe I have already been out for 2 months though, the time is flying by so fast.
Sunday my mission president came and we had a devotional about families... Only if I understood what he was saying. LOL! But I'm sure it was a great lesson.
Monday we had a 2 week reunion in Santiago so Sunday night my companion and I went and spent the night at the mission home. One of the best sleeps I have gotten in a long time. I sleep really terrible right now... we always have a rooster or a cat outside our apartment always making noise all night long.
There is a huge storm outside right  now and we are going to get soaked! I hand washed my clothes today that was an experience... Wish I had a washer to just throw my clothes in.
We are hoping for a couple of baptisms by the middle or end of July.
I love you guys so very much and hope you all have a great week!
Adios from Bonao, Santiago Dominican Republic
Hermana Heather Peugnet


Learning and Growing

Hey everyone how's it going?

Well I guess I made it through the hardest week... Well that's what everyone is saying. 
I have not been to an actual store yet. Just been stopping at the the commadoes to get something to eat. We aren't allowed to eat at members house unless it is on Sundays. 
My first week was really hard but I've learned so much. Each day I learn a couple of new words in spanish and I am understanding more and more each day. 
In La Vega I met some awesome people and have a greater appreciation for all that I have back at home. I met an awesome friend her name is Yulissa. She's awesome and taught me a lot of spanish. She also speaks really good English too which is awesome! She would come out with us to our lessons and to show us were members and inactives lived.
Saturday all of the sisters in Santiago met at the mission home and had a meeting. I talked to President Douglas and he helped me out so much! He allowed me to call my family. It was so nice that I was able to talk to some of you guys. I miss you all so much and hearing all of your love and support was awesome! It was nice just being able to hear your voice and encouragement. 
Sunday church was a little interesting... I had no idea what was going on. Luckily Yulissa sat next to me so she could translate for me during sacrament. We went over to a members house for lunch. we had rice and some soup thing with all different parts of the chicken and different vegatables. I feel bad because I didn't eat much because I wasn't hungry and I can't eat a lot of rice or I get sick. But the husband kept on trying to give me more and more food. The people here eat so much it is insane! Especially the way they all look. I wish I could be able to do that.   
Monday not much happened.... My mission President was doing a couple of companion swaps and I was one of them so not much happened that day. we had a meeting in La Vega with all the missionaries serving there. After that some of us went to the la Sirena to get something to eat. When we got back from lunch we went over to Yulissa's house and it started pouring! (Mckenna wish you were here so we could play in the rain). Around 5 the mission Presidents Assistance came and picked me up. My mission President transferred me to Bonao. Now my new companion is Hermana Porter from Utah! She is awesome and things have been great. I'm sad that I left La Vega and I hope I have the chance to go back there sometime soon because I really love the people there and learned so much there. 
Tuesday Hermana Porter and I went to a huge district meeting with President and Hermana Douglas and all of the missionaries in Bonao. That meeting was mostly all day. In our apartment our electricity doesn't work... but our water does so I can take an actual shower. We went out yesterday with a member and it poured on us... I love the rain.
I love you all and am so grateful for all of your support!!! 
Hermana Peugnet

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Out in the Field and New Mailing Addresses!

Hey everyone!
How's it going?
So p-day's aren't until Wednesdays in Santiago which is really awesome!
Tuesday I left the CCM and went to my mission presidents house. President Douglas and Hermana Douglas are so nice, I love them already. I stayed with them for the night with Hermana Thorpe one last time and all the other new missionaries that are going to Santiago. I can't believe that I am actually here, but at the same time it is crazy with all that is going on.
We had some wonderful food at the mission home last night and got paired with a couple of other missionaries who have been out a little bit. We went to some appointments with them. It was a lot of fun. I gave 2 Book of Mormons away.
We got up early this morning and started traveling so that I could meet my companion. I didn't end up meeting her until around 12pm because we were waiting for tons of other people.  My companions name is Hermana Mendez. She is from the DR and knows quite a bit of English which is really nice. We are the first Hermana missionaries to be here in the LaVega, Santiago mission. I've met some awesome missionaries here in the DR.
So, since we are the first Hermana missionaries here we have our own house. After we met today , we spent about 3 hours cleaning it the best we can. It's still not great- but it is better than having a whole bunch of dirt and spider webs everywhere. Our water is currently not working and we don't have a lot of things for the house yet. Luckily they supplied us with a mop and a broom and beds of course!
So guess what? Since no one can pronounce our last name they are issuing me a new name badge. It will say Hermana Peñé so that they can pronounce it! Have you ever heard of that?
What new is going on there?
The computer I am on is a little weird- it's in somebodies  house and they have about 10 computers.
Sorry I don't have my camera with me because I didn't know we were coming to use the computers. So I won't be sending many pics this week... Just the one taken before we all left the CCM yesterday.
I love you guys so much and am so grateful that I have you in my life....
Hermana Heather Peugnet

Heather's New Addresses:

SDQ 8013
2250 NW 114th Ave Unit 1A
Miami, FL 3317-3652

SDQ 8013
PO Box 025725
Miami FL 33102-5725

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Lead by the Spirit

This is a video that I watched the other day and loved it!! It’s a short clip by Elder Russel M Nelson.
Last Friday was an awesome day. I went out on Splits with a missionary. My companions name was Hermana Coe. She was super nice, we had a lot of fun together. The first investigator that I met was Ayde. She was this older lady and super nice. She has taken all of the discussions but is having a hard time understanding exactly everything but had just completed reading the Book of Mormon. She was having a hard time because one of her sisters just passed away and another one is in the hospital. I didn’t know what I was doing but all of a sudden Spanish just started coming out of my mouth and I told her that I know how hard it is. That I had worked in a hospital and know that not always good things come from it. I looked at her and she just started crying after I was done talking. I shared my testimony with her about the plan of salvation and how important the gospel is in my life. After we left my companion was so surprised just as much as I was and told me that I did awesome and that the Spirit was so strong when I was talking to her. The rest of the night was good. I had some other people that we taught tell me that I sucked at Spanish my companion had to explain to him that I haven’t been out before and that I’ve been in the training center… I really didn’t understand all that he said but I do know that he said I can’t speak! Lol J The rest of the people are so nice they will just talk to you and listen even if they aren’t that interested in what you are saying and mostly everyone will accept your invitation to church.
The days here go by so fast I sometimes forget what day it is. Yesterday I was writing “catching up” in my journal it is crazy how fast every day goes by.
Sunday I was called up to speak in Sacrament… yes in Spanish too. It was so scary but the spirit was so strong and I know that it helped me throughout my whole talk. It’s so crazy what the Lord will do for us when we are close to him and are in need of his help. I know that he blesses my life everyday even though I may not realize it but He is always there for us. Sunday night after our devotional we (North Americans) went to the temple and sat in the lawn and started singing church songs it was so much fun and the Spirit was so strong. I am so grateful to know that Families are together forever I love you guys and am so grateful that I have you in my life and for all of your love and support.
Monday we teach a senior couple missionary here Brother and Sister Leavitt they are so nice I’m going to miss teaching them every Monday night. Sister Leavitt always had a baked good for us when we left they are amazing.
A funny thing that happened this week one of the sisters that I am with wanted another piece of chocolate at night and one of the Senor couples told her “if you eat too much chocolate you will become big like a cow. We tease about it all the time, it was so funny because after family prayer each night we get a small piece of candy.
Other than that not much exciting happened this week. My Pday’s will change to Mondays from now on idk if I’ll be able to email you guys next week though because I don’t leave to go out into the Field until Tuesday morning. I am so nervous but so excited at the same time. It’s so crazy how fast time flies.
Alex I am so excited for you to go to Ireland let me know you address so I can send you guys letters. Tell Catherine “hi” for me and that I love her! <3
This video is very inspirational. We all need to recognize what all of our gift are and take the time and develop them and become better. God didn’t make us all the same for a reason and we need to be examples to those around us and love the people we come in contact with. It doesn’t matter what our talents are and we may not know why we have them but they may to be to help other in our lives.
Hermana Heather Peugnet <3