This last week has been a little rough for me. I found out Thursday night that I was being transferred.
Friday we went and helped someone clean her house and then we went to a menos activo. She hadn't been coming to church for awhile and I felt I needed to talk with her before I left. The spirit was so strong in our lesson. I could see tears in her eyes. Sunday she ended up coming to church which was awesome!
So this last week we just went and visited a lot of people and did some last minute things with Hna Mojica before I leave.
Leaving has been so hard.... lots of tears. It was like I was leaving home all over again. Bonao had became my home; I had a family there and tons of friends.
I am now in Puerto Plata. My new comp is Hna Lizardo. She has 7 months in the mission, just 2 weeks more then I do and has been here since she has been out. She comes from a huge family. I dont really know much about her yet, we just met a couple hours ago. and I forgot where she is from but she does not know English.
I haven't done much today just a lot of traveling.
I hope you are all doing great i love you!!!
Until next week!
Hna Heather Peugnet 

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