I am doing great, I cannot believe that another week has gone by...
This week has been great!
Last Tuesday (7th of Jan) we decided to go to early morning seminary whichI sure am glad I did. Hna Colton had never had the chance to experience early morning seminary in her life so I thought it would be nice and do that with her... we were both dying (exhausted) by the end of the day!
Thursday and Friday we both good days. Sometimes we both feel like giving up but, we pick each other up and keep going even with all the rejections. It is so discouraging because a lot of the time we just walk around because our citas and back up citas fall through. We have been visiting a lot of members houses so that i can get to know them better. We help a lot of people (members or menos activos) clean there houses and do a lot of service! Thursday one of our members asked our invesetigator on a date to see a movie that weekend after the lesson it was really funny! Friday night we went over to a menos activos the Family Bueno and the mom cooked dinner for us. we helped and learned it was so cool! She put a lot of spicy spices in it... but for me it wasn´t even hot Hna Colton and her was having a hard time from the spice. I guess i really am not a white girl after all! After that we went to our neighbors house with the Elders and made tacos, and the Elders made homemade tortilla from Honduras. It was so good. Saturday we started running again! Yay!! It was tough to get started again.
Sunday was a great day we had 2 investigators at church and a couple of menos activos too! I love going to church and learning more about the gospel. In the afternoon the Elders came out with us and we visited families and menos activos together so that they can get to know them too.
Monday we had our district meeting that was great! and had some great citas!
Tuesday for lunch we didn´t have any food adn we didn´t want to cook so we made platano fritos and chocolate pudding to eat! lol :) We were laughing so hard!
In one of our citas we were talking to our investigator about President Monson and showed her a picture of him. She told us that he looked Dominican and then asked about his wife we told her that she had just past away and she with out hesitating was like oh that is ok i will marry him!!! we were dying laughing so hard and was like what en serio!!! The rest of our citas went great this day!
We love laughing and having a great time together!
I hope everyone has a great week. Until next week!
Love you all!!!
Hermana Heather Peugnet

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