Well this last week we didn't do much just because the Dr ordered me to rest and do nothing for 5 days. So, I did a lot of studying and writing! Hna Lizardo was really taking the do nothing thing pretty seriously. She made sure I rested and followed Dr.s orders.
The atonement is a very special gift that we have in our lives. We are able to use it for anything we are having a hard time with. God has a plan for each of us. Life is not easy, but thankfully we can use the atonement and strive each day to do better and to always try our best!
Friday we had to go to Santiago for me to do another test at the Dr. and while we were waiting for the bus to go back to Puerto Plata we saw a couple an older couple ... the guy was American, probably 60 or so and the women was Dominican, and probably 40 or 50´s. He didn't speak spanish and so he had his I-pad and would talk into it and then it would translate it into Spanish for the lady. It was the funniest thing ever! We were having a blast watching how this relationship worked.
Saturday the other Hermanas that are here in Puerto Plata did an exchange with us so that we could have at least some citas here! Well my companion and the comp of the other Hermana thought it would be funny to leave us locked in the house without a phone or the keys. Luckly they weren't gone that long. That night my companion and I went to a baptism that another set of missionaries were having. It was so cool, and nice to finally get out of the house after being cooped up from the Dr.s orders!
Sunday we went to church, which was really nice! We ate lunch at a members house. Later in the day we had a meeting and watched the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional that was really cool!
Monday we stayed inside, it was the last official day of my 5 day medical rest. It has been raining here a lot ! (It's that time of year- with the greatest rainfall usually in January)
Tuesday a day of freedom and we went to citas!! YAY!!!! Back to work we go! It was so nice to be out. We had to take it slow, but we had a lot of amazing and spiritual citas!
TODAY!!!!! We today has been a great day. It is our P-day. We went to the beach and played soccer and took tons of pictures and walked along the beach was awesome!!!! I got so much sun; I love it!!!!!!! After being confined to our apartment for so long it was nice to be outside in the sunshine. The average temp here is about 75-80 degrees year round:) With lots of humidity!
Tomorrow we head back to the doctors to do some more tests and to see what really is/was the problem. The thing that stinks is that I still feel pain in the same spot.... so I don't know what the problem is? I hope it goes away soon, because other than that occasional pain, I am doing great!
Other information:
Yes we always have electricity in this area and we have warm water but I have gotten used to cold water so I still take cold showers.
My comp loves to cook so she just does that.
So, since we didn't do much this last week it gave me time to reflect on my mission and I realized that I am almost half way through. That is so crazy! Man the time has been going by so fast I can't believe it!
I hope you have a great week until next week! I love you!!!
Hermana Heather Peugnet 

P-day at the beach
I love serving here!!
That's me!
CTR in English
Elders and Hermana's at the beach
Hermana Lizardo and I
Random statue on rock
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