I ATE CHICKEN FEET!!! (proof below in a picture)
Well this week we have been really busy! We had some amazing citas and have found some new investigators and a menos activo family.
Thursday went to the doctor and found out i have bronchitis. I am on antibiotics, so I hope it goes away soon. I'm still able to go out each day though.
Friday Happy Graduation Mom!!!!! I am so proud of you!!!!!!
Saturday we helped a lady in our ward make tamales. Man, they were so good and pretty easy to make.
Sunday was the primary program. It was so different than it is in the states but it was so cute! We also had a lot of people that have not been coming to church there which was really awesome and special, especially a menos activo family that we have been working with finally came so- that was awesome!
We have been helping out a lot with a Christmas activity that we have tonight. It has taken a lot of time, but a fun way to do service! The kids here are so funny!!!
Today we went to another beach "Sosua", It was so pretty. We played soccer and Frisbee and cooked hotdogs. We took pics, and just enjoyed the beautiful view. I love going to the beach on pdays it is so relaxing. The latinos don't like it as much because of the sun. They say it's bad, but I love it!
Tomorrow we have a huge conference. We have been looking for a dress for Hna Lizardo for the past week and it reminded me of how much I hate shopping all over again!!!!!! But it's ok because it was important to her. Learning patience while shopping!!!
Until next week! I love you!!!
Hermana Heather Peugnet 

P-day friendly soccer game with the Elders
Chicken Feet!! (they actually weren't too bad)
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