Wednesday we went to the Zone conference with Elder Zivic. Pres. Douglas came up to Hna Colton and I and we both had a personal interview with him. i learned so so much from him. He is truly a man called from God; he has a light in him that is incredible.
The conference was so good! I got to see Hna Lizardo(one of my former comps) and a whole bunch of other people. It was such a miracle how much I had changed and I was the one that started to talk to the people in the rutas(taxi) even before Hna Colton (she is usually the one that starts conversations with strangers, but this time it was ME!) it was so cool.
That night we had a cita with the familia Diaz. It was the coolest lesson ever. The whole family was there and they all promised us that they would go to church on Sunday.
Thursday we had intercambios (exchanges) it was a really good day.
I was with Hermana Feliz. We had so many amazing lessons and I was able to see a difference in some of the people. We gave a couple a baptismal date, so that they can have a goal and see how things go as we are teaching them. The spirit was so strong.
Friday we did service in the morning and helped cook and clean a kitchen at a community center; it was a lot of fun. We had some really good lessons too.
Saturday BAPTISM!!!!!!!!
Marianela got baptized! We weren't really that sure as we got closer to her baptism if we would still have it or not. But she passed her baptismal interview!!. After the interview we passed by the church and it was open but we had to go do something so we didn't go in... When we got back it was locked and our district leaders were locked inside. We had to wait 45mins for the Bishop come to open it up because we don't have keys and the Elders don't either because they are from a different building. It was an interesting adventure.
That afternoon we went home and an hour later left to go clean the church building with the young women's... man, that was a lot of fun! We cleaned that building Dominican style- throwing water and soap everywhere. It was a lot of fun! Yes, it took a little longer than it probably should have, but it was a fun service and now that church building is probably the cleanest one here in this country!
After we did service wewent and changed and invited people to the baptism. We had a great turn out! It was so spiritual and awesome to see her change her life around and be an example to all of those around her.
Sunday the biggest thing happened.... the whole familia Diaz came to church! The missionaries have been working so hard with this family and they finally ALL came to church. It was the coolest thing ever to see! It seriously was a miracle!
Marianela got confirmed as a member of the church. She had such a light to her. It was so awesome!
The citas that we had that day were great.
Monday: HAPPY 11 MONTHS!!
We went to a salon and trimmed our hair. (pictures below) I was so nervous! It is not the same getting your hair cut here as it is in the states , but it all turned out good!
We had some really good citas we are working so hard on the menos activos here but it is hard! We went and visited the Familia Ortiz and I was sitting on the couch and their dog peed on me!!!! It was so nasty but really funny at the same time! lol :) That doesn't happen every day right.??? haha
Tuesday we had a Zone conference and found out that Hna Colton was being transferred. So, we went and visited a lot of members and investigators that she wanted to say goodbye to. It has not been easy getting ready for her to leave. She has done so much for me; it is going to be interesting without her here. Hna Colton seriously has helped me out and taught me so much these last 12 weeks that we had together.
Today was transfers and my new companion is Hermana Santana. She is from here, the capital but lived in Utah for school the last almost 2 yrs. She seems like a really nice girl. We have a lot to do this transfer. I am so excited to see all that goes on and what is in stored for us!
Until next week!
I hope you have a great week!
Te Quiero Mucho!!!
Hermana Heather Peugnet 

Marianela's baptism 3-22-14
Marianela, Hermana Colton and ME!
Random dogs that showed up for the baptism:)
My Zone....Good Times:)
Ready, Set, GO! Getting my hair cut
Whew! Not too bad:)
Hermana Lizardo
Herman Colton
Saying goodbye at transfers
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