Well this week was a great week. We did a lot and wasI have learned a lot this week.
Thursday was a great day. We didn´t have that many lessons. It has been really hard doing that this last week... idk why. One of our lessons with Argenis who is not able to hear or talk. We took him and a friend to the internet center to look something up so that he will be able to understand the lessons. The church website is awesome and we found so much to help him... the only thing that is a problem is that it was all American Sign Language and he only understands a little bit of that. He does a lot of sign language in Spanish, but when we left the internet center he was so excited and wanted to share it with all of his friends. We then went and visited Elizabeth and Alberto. The obispo came with us and was awesome. He answered so many of their questions fast and simple for them...it was awesome!
Friday we had a Zone conference. Hna Colton and I had a capacitation... man i was so nervous. but I have learned a lot that if you just open your mouth the Lord will guide your words in and help others know that what you are saying is true. After the conference we went to a members house right away because she called needing something... in the ruta we met our first actual red head that is from here, it was so crazy, and also on our way to the members house there was a lady walking in front of us with a TSwift Speak Now Tour shirt on. Man I miss listening to music but it made me laugh. We ended up sitting with the member (Terasita) for 3 hrs waiting for someone to come to give her a priesthood blessing. While we waited we looked at all of the pictures that she has. The rest of the day was really good!
Saturday was a fun day. We visited people... we stopped at the Familia Ortiz´s house. That night we had an activity with Libertad another ward and played Human Foozball! it was a lot of fun everyone had a blast and was asking when we could play again and when the next big activity was. I was so nervous all day that not many people would come but by the end of the night I was so happy and having a blast!
Sunday we went to church. We went to go pick up the Familia Ortiz and Maria the mom was sick and but the daughter was feeling back to normal. We then went and passed by Isaura´s house an investigator and she already left for church. She has been coming to church for a long time and has already had all of the lessons. We asked her to be baptized the other week and she said yes and then 2 Sundays ago she said no that she needed to talk with us. So, after sacrament we talked with her and she said she still wants to get baptized just a different day and that is this Saturday!! That night at 5pm we had a devotional that we went to Isaura came with us. The spirit was so strong and I learned so much about the Restoration of the Gospel. President and Hna Douglas were the speakers at the devotional. We had a great time. Hna Colton and Isaura were laughing because I had brought us treats for the devotional. But at the end they said that they were so grateful for the treats! I knew they would be. After the devotional Isaura taught me not to be afraid.... She doesn´t know much English and she asked us how to say something; she then walked over to President Douglas and said ¨hi my name is Isaura, it is a pleasure to meet you.¨ Seeing her do that changed my view that I need to just open my mouth and talk to people. We have been focusing a lot on that right now in the mission but it is so hard for me. I get to scared of what the people will think and yes, I can speak Spanish, but no, it is not perfect, and so it scares me. I am getting so much better. Hna Colton has been daring me to talk to people and so I have been getting so much better but it is so hard. I know the spirit is always with me but it is so much different talking in English then it is in Spanish, but I know that the Lord is always Helping me!
Monday was a hard day. In the morning we had a District meeting. I always learn so much in those meetings. We didn´t have that many citas but we went and visited all the references that we have received and made a cita with them and all of the people that we could that were home.
Tuesday we had some great citas.... I have a baptism this Saturday so we went over the baptismal questions and explained things when she (Isaura) didn´t understand. I am so excited for her, I will explain more later. We went to a meeting for the relief society on how we could help them.
Today we played soccer and I also played catch (baseball) with a couple of people. Everyone asked me if I have ever played because I am so good... lol idk about that. I then cleaned my clothes and wrote letters!
I hope you have a great week! until next week!
Love you!
Hermana Heather Peugnet <3
PS remember next week... Tuesday 18th of March is my PDAY!
Human Foozeball |
Isaura and I |
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