So, yes this week has been very interesting with a new companion and all. It has been a little hard, but I know that we were put us together for a reason. It has been good.
Thursday and Friday I don't really remember all that happened, but I do know that they were good days. We were able to do a lot and get a lot of citas done. If a cita fell through, we would stop by investigators and members houses so that Hermana Santana could meet them.
Saturday was a good day. We had a couple of citas that were really good.
Unfortunately on Saturday evening when we went to go watch Women's Conference (in English... yes my companion and an member too) it just kept freezing on us so we weren´t able to watch it. So, because we had a member with us that speaks English we watched a conference talk from President Monson. It was so cool, because the talk we chose ended up being exactly what she has been needing in her life right now.
Here it is in case you would like to listen to it:)
Sunday was a really hard but good day. Everyone at church or our investigators who didn´t know that Hermana Colton left was asking me about her. It has been a challenge adjusting to a new companion. Hermana Colton was always there for me to talk to about anything... it didn't matter, I trust her so much. For some reason it was a very emotional day. However, we had some really good citas later on durning the day. The members are helping Hermana Santana get more in the area are trying to help more with the work too.
Monday and Tuesday were good days with citas, and it has been awesome having the members help us more.
Right now we are also in the search of finding new investigators as well as working really hard with the menos activos too.
We had a NDH with the Familia Ortiz, it was so cool! We also started up an English class this week that was a lot of fun. I started them from the beginning with they ABC´s. I love watching them try so hard to learn. It is cool because I know what they are experiencing because I am still trying to improve and learn Spanish better. Learning another language is NOT easy. :)
Wednesday we hiked El Pico. It was a lot of fun. This time we took a different trail... it wasn't the same as the last time but it was still good. After we got back I got a phone call from a family asking us to do service. We didn't get back from doing that service in time to email yesterday so that's why this is a day late.
Today has been a good day so far. I am so tired from our hike yesterdady, but that's just part of life right??!
The mission is not easy but it is so worth it I have learned so much since I have been on my mission and my life has changed so much!
Hermana Santana: She is 20 years old, from Santo Domingo. For the last 2 years she has been living in Utah going to BYU. Yes, she speaks English and has been helping me a lot with my Spanish and I have been helping her with her English. She is 1 of 4 kids in her family and is the youngest. She has 6 months in the mission. We are already learning so much from each other it is awesome!
Until next week!
I hope you have a great week!
Te Quiero Mucho!!!
Hermana Heather Peugnet 

Made it to the top of El Pico
View from El Pico
Up in the clouds on El Pico
El Pico
Frameli, Leah and I on top of El Pico
Frameli, Leah, me and 3 Elders
Lala, Dailene, Hermana Santana and I
On our way to El Pico
Scenery along our hike to the top of El Pico
My Zone!!
My new companion HERMANA SANTANA and me
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