Ok so this week has been very busy a lot has happened!
Last Wednesday we got permission to go the the mission home to sleep because the mom ( trainer) of Hermana Colton in the mission was going home!
Thursday was a really good day. That night we went to New Beginnings for the young women's. It reminded me of being in young womens all over again. I thought I would never say this but I miss being in young womens! Thanks to all of the wonderful young women leaders that I had!
Friday Happy Valentines Day!!!! We did our weekly planning! I have learned to love weekly planning with Hna Colton. We have some really good times planning and ideas of what we want to do this next transfer! After our planning we went over to Sandra´s (newly baptized) house to eat lunch. Afterwards we went to a members house, Estephany and taught/talked talked with her. She is a hard working single mom that works like crazy and wants to learn more about the gospel at the same time! After our cita (lesson) she taught us how to make little empenadas like she doese for work at the colmado (local general store, also a social gathering spot). It was so much fun.
After her cita we went to teach Marianela an investigator. She told us that she received her answer and that she is going to get baptized the 22 of March! yay!!! :)
Well, the cita after that we accidently planned two citas at the same hour so we decided to go on exchanges with a couple of members in the ward so we could do both, it was great!
Saturday was a really good day but sadly, a lot of our citas had fallen through.
Sunday was a really good day we had a whole family of 7 that came to church!! The spirit was so strong! That night we went over to our neighbors house and did an activity with a couple of other missionaries! The Elders from Honduras made us some kind of food from their country that was really good!
Monday we had our zone meeting. It was really good as usual and I learned a lot!
I recieved one of my packages for my birthday thank you! Something funny happened with that... I will send you a letter about what had happened! lol :)
Our citas that day were all really good. I cannot believe how fast the time is flying by!
Tuesday was a really good day I learned a lot as we taught! I love it when that happens:)
We visited with some menos activos, Jasmely and Jean Carlos. and when we visit them they teach us what they read in the Book of Mormon each day. Well Jasmely was teaching us about 1 Nefi 18 when God commanded Nefi to build a boat and to go to the promise land (Las Americas) with his family. Well after she told us the whole story (she is a very smart girl and told it to us in a lot of detail) Hna Colton asked a question.... If we were Nefi and our Faith and Testimony were the boat how strong would our ship be? Would we be able to go to the promise land (return to God)? We were able to have a great discussion about that.
The rest of our citas were really good! We gave away 2 Books of Mormon!
Thank you ALL for all of the Birthday Wishes!
I hope you have a great week!
Te Quiero Mucho!!!
Hermana Heather Peugnet 

Sorry i can´t send pics this week next week for sure!
THIS IS EVIE. Each week I ask multiple questions in my emails to Heather, but because of her limited time on the computer she decided to write a pretty long letter home answering some of the many questions. She has asked me to share it on her blog.
~The work in my new area Santiago, La Union, is very different than my other areas. It is much slower and more difficult at times. There are many days we feel like we just walk in circles because our scheduled citas forget we are coming and often time we don't have backups. This area is the smallest area of the mission.
~Holidays are huge here. There seems to be a "holiday" every week. (at least that's what it feels like to us) During the day the people just sit around drinking (alcohol) and playing dominos outside.(very few people actually have jobs. I don't know how they live without a job) At night the loud music and dancing in the streets begin. We normally make it inside before it gets too bad. The loud music comes from almost every house and plays well into the night. Its sad, because we often see 3 & 4 year olds dancing with some offensive moves that they learn from the adults.
~My Spanish is okay. I can communicate with the people here, but we speak English quite a bit too. The Latinos here often times like to communicate in English.
~When you send packages they go to the mission office and we get those on Mondays. Currently our apartment is only about 20 minutes from the mission home.
~Our investigators are doing great. We have a couple that are progressing pretty well.
~Yes, we have heard that some of the stateside missionaries are now using I pads. That's not happening here.
~My companion Hma Colton is awesome. She reminds me a lot of McKenna (Heathers college roommate). She is from Holiday Utah and has been out 6 weeks longer than me. She is 21. She is the last member of her family to serve a mission. She actually has a nephew that will be going out soon. She is the youngest of 9 and has a ton of nieces and nephews. She is a very compassionate/considerate person and I am learning so much from her.
~I live in an area where 5 of our neighbors are members..
~We spend 2 hours every Sunday visiting member families with the Elders. Its a good way to get to know the members.
~My shoes are actually doing great. I am so glad I got the kind I did, even though when we were looking I thought they were pretty ugly. Thanks mom for telling me how practical they would be for walking a lot. (she got a brown and black pair). I'm sure they will last me through my entire mission.
~The work here is good most of the time. It's actually like a roller coaster. We have really good days and some not so much. We are always meeting new people on the street when we are walking or in the Rutas (public transportation) if we have to go somewhere far.
~We only cover 1 ward here and often times there are 2-3 sets of missionaries in one ward. We meet in a church building. In some of the out lying areas they meet in other kinds of buildings or even houses.
~Yes Adam copies me on his emails. Man, compared to my emails, he writes practically nothing. ha-ha
~We have water and electricity most of the time. We even have stove and oven that work. I am fortunate that I live in such a nice area right now.
~We are not suppose to eat from the vendors on the streets. They are not very clean and you never know what they are serving. Every once in a while a member will get us something from a vendor and we pray we won't get sick. I have been pretty lucky so far. There have been some missionaries get REALLY sick from eating from the streets.
Thank you for all your love and support. I love you all so much. I am so glad Heavenly Father sent me to my family. I have realized that more and more since being here on my mission. I have learned what a blessing you guys are to me in my life and I am grateful I have the opportunity to live with you guys for eternity!!
Time is flying by here. I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve the Lord. I have learned so much about myself and I can totally see a difference in my life.
Thank you for everything. I hope all is well and you have a great week!
Te Quiero Mucho
Con Mucho Amor,
Hermana Heather Peugnet <3
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