What is going on?
Since I lost the email I wrote last week just as I was ready to send it , I went ahead and wrote a letter instead. So as soon as my mom gets it, she will post it on my blog... It was so frustrating because I spent most of my email time writing it. Oh well, that's what happens when electricity comes and goes like it does here in the DR.
So this week was great!
Thursday we had our annual interviews with President Douglas it went great! On our way home we found a cute little puppy that was alone so, I picked it up and started carrying it home with us... no we are not allowed to have pets.... but don't worry~ we didn't keep it, we gave it to our neighbors who wanted it! :)
That night we had an activity at a members house and talked about a new thing that we are starting here. (a missionary for a day). The activity was very well attended!
Saturday morning we were suppose to meet at the church with the members and go out with some of them...(missionary for a day), well no one showed up. We waited for about 45mins, it was only us missionaries there. So, Hna Colton and I left and went to a menos activos house and did service. Our lessons with everyone that day was great.
Sunday was a great good day. We had about 7 investigators at church!!! Afterwards we ate with our Stake President and his family. They are so nice and the food was so good!
We then had an activity for the Relief Society about Visiting Teaching. It was really good and I learned a lot about the importance of it.
Monday morning we got a phone call from our Zone Leaders asking us what our blood type was... I couldn't remember mine, but Hna Colton was able to help out, so we went to the children's hospital so that Hna Colton could donate blood to a little girl (Milagro) who was diagnosed with cancer in her stomach.
Afterwards we were able to meet the little girl. She is 5 years old and just sits in a chair. (Holly it reminded me of you working at PCH). It reminded me how blessed I am for my health and what I have in life. I hope that we can go back and visit her again!
We then can home and had some great citas and a really cool Noche De Hogar with a family in our ward!
Tuesday we had a zone meeting. After we got home we went out to our citas... man we had some really hard citas that day, but I learned a lot.
Today we finally washed our clothes after not being able to do that for about 2 weeks. :(
I have written letters too!
Hna Colton is awesome... she keeps us going and motivated whenever we need it.
I hope you all have a great week!
I love and miss you all!
Hermana Heather Peugnet <3
Mom you have asked me about my birthday a couple of times; I have thought about it and for my birthday~all I want and ever want is to just spend it with those I love... and since I can't do that this year and if you are thinking of sending me something, DON'T!! Just do me a favor and spend time with family to celebrate my birthday!! I have everything I need here. I am so blessed:)

Waiting to donate blood at the childrens hospital.
Hma Colton and I still waiting:)
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